For the next gripping chapter in my busted wrist, let’s explore other things I should consider:
1.0 Engage in witty dialogue:
Joe Random: Wow! I hope you’re right handed…?
Myke: Does it look like I have any choice‽
1.1. Continue with witty dialogue:
Costco Cashier: Oh geeze, what happened to your arm?
Myke: My brother bought a couch here, and it broke my wrist.
Costco Cashier: Hahah, right.
Myke: I am not making this up.
Costco Cashier: ∗agog∗
2. Alternatives to fixing:
Thanks to @WTL for this suggestion
3. Augmentation:
4. Give up Used-Car-Salesman Aspirations:
5. Be a stunt-double for Mark Hamill in a live performance of The Empire Strikes Back.
(This will require that Option #2 be taken afterward.)