I really need to start playing in a band.

The Rig – January 2013 Edition

Premise: I’m largely a rhythm player, not much of a soloist. With 4 different preamps, I’ve got a lot of texture at my feet and I didn’t want to lose that when I got the new Traynor stack.

Logical routing

The Patchmate lets me select which preamp hits the poweramp.
Vox is bluesy and very rich. Twintube is chunky. Line6 can’t ever find it’s mark, but it makes an impressive mess. Traynor is high-gain, very fizzy – even in Drop A#.

And it’s meant to be quick to setup & tear down, see? Pretty colour-coding:

Back of the Traynor’s connections.

And tubes glow all purdy-like:

Heaters & Ionization

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