… Is that sometimes its just not that exciting.
Today I had my 6 month post-op follow-up with my hand-surgeon.
First up is the grip test: 56 right, 50 left. The non-dominant hand is expected to be about 10% less than the dominant, 5 months post-op and 12% difference is NOT bad… also apparently my grip strength is pretty high anyway. FWIW that’s probably in kilograms, but their meters are not calibrated nor consistent at all, they’re just checking relative strength. No concerns there.
Next up: Range Of Motion (ROM). Goal in March was to get to 45 degrees flexion in 3 months – I’m at 60. Very good.
After that, the Watson’s test to verify the function of the scapholunate ligament, it’s also is very clean.
Dr. Herbert Von Schroeder is quite pleased, basically giving me a clean bill of health 🙂
(And yes, I know just named him!)
I did raise a concern I’m having with an unpleasant clunk I experience when twisting something while grasping a large object, (rotating lens hoods being the prime culprit here) he did some tests and said things seem to be fine structurally, maybe it’s a tendon slipping over something else. Wait and see was what he said, things are still settling down, I don’t yet have my full ROM, and I’m using my hand more than I have in almost 3 years.
We briefly discussed my ‘blog, he said it was hilarious and informative – yay! I gave him a bottle of J. Lohr Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 (thanks to a tip from his assistant!) as a thank-you for helping me finally wrap up this really lousy saga in my life.
I’ll have another (and probably final) check up around xmas, and that’ll be it! Could this be the penultimate update in the #BustedWrist/#RepairedWrist contexts? I really hope so.
Next? I’m going driving, biking, kayaking, and G-Damnit: Skiing!
Stef still has the damn couch though.