It’s crazy to think that after two and a half years, that it’s just a scant 5 days away from (hopefully) the beginning of the end of my Busted Wrist saga…
Perhaps a fitting exclamation point completion to first month of 2012, here’s a braindump.
MacPwn Dies – forever
It’s put in many years of hard work, and while I need to replace it – it’d be stupid to do it now as Apple hasn’t updated the hardware in almost 2 years! I expect they’re waiting for Intel’s Ivy Bridge chips to be ready. And to those of you saying I don’t need a MacPro – sorry but no: accessorizing an iMac or Mini with adapters & converters & enclosures to the point that it could serve as a MacPro puts me pretty much on-budget for a MacPro… and wastes the LCDs I’ve got (DVI, not Tbolt!)
My Neighbourhood is Better Than Yours
Last week the 613 was finally embraced by winter’s icy hold and dumped a pile of snow upon us. I dressed up and set out to clear as much snow as I could while my hand would let me – but it wasn’t even 5 minutes before my neighbours to the south began yelling at me, “Mike! Stop! Don’t hurt yourself! We’ll have the snow blower going in a few minutes.” I plowed on anyway, I need to get some upper-body exercise… Then the neighbour to the north ended up clearing the foot of my driveway – and then the city sent a front-end loaded down my street and it too all the snow away.

Culinary Consumer Success!
And slightly further away, (and even moreso now), another neighbour – Hintonburger, has unofficially added my egg-free sammich to their menu, how awesome is that?!
A New Friend
Siri and I are learning how to get along. The iPhone 4S is very nice update to my iPhone 3GS (Black, 32GB, it’s for sale)
And Old Friends
Lots of people are offering to make food and come dote on my while I recover – which is super beau youse! Even before the big slice, I was invited out and became the godfather of this fine dinner host.
Not Taking Photos
I put UnderExposure on hiatus just before I moved, and since then, I’ve done very little shooting. However, I’ve been quite actively engaging other photographers – yesterday I met with Paul Couvrette as result of some forum turmoil, and tomorrow night I’ve arranged a Flickr-Ottawa meet-up where we’ll commence round II of our ‘Crazy Collaborative Film Project’ with my grandfather’s Olympus OM1 camera and a roll of Ektachrome 100 slide film.
Incidentally – I’ve become quite adept at repairing a dislocated catch-spring on the Zuiko 135mm lens I’ve got for that camera, need to figure out a better permanent fix though.
New tube in the Tonelab