Team Building

Currently developing the dispatch system for Operation Red Nose Ottawa 2013, I’m in need of volunteers to help complete the rest system too in the next two weeks, if you’ve got some time to donate to a good cause, either by hacking Postgres/Node.js/PHP/Grunt/Ember/Bootstrap, or providing me with knowledge-help, I’ll take what I can get.

This following team-building problem is huge and I can’t think of any solution. I’m not a programmer or a developer and I do not know how to solve this problem, and am looking for someone to develop a solution, be it Node.js, Perl, C, PHP, even Python…

Here’s the basic parameters:
The pool is composed of volunteers who:

  • indicate if they’re willing fill the roles of driver, escort and/or navigator. Or basecamp duties.
  • indicate if they have affinities for up to two other volunteers (so they’re either a complete team or their friend is on their team)
  • indicate if they would like to be slated for the “early shift”
  • additionally, drivers previously indicated if they’re capable of driving stick (MT)

From these volunteers, we need to build teams that…

  • composed of driver, escort and navigator
  • honour affinities
  • group “early shift” volunteers together, for first dispatch
  • maximize least-available resources
  • prefer drivers to be MT-Capable
  • prefer navigators to be experienced (this requires out-of-scope data)

We’ll provide the data either in CSV or a Postgres view, you need to return in either CSV, or right back into the teams table 🙂

Please use comments below, or get in touch by email.

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