My thoughts after today’s WWDC 2013 Keynote:
iOS 7: improvements looks really awesome, if not a bit Windows 8-ey in appearance, and BB10ish in gestures. Looking forward to it anyway. (Still want a Z10 for my second phone too.)
OSX Mavericks is the first OSX update I’ve been looking forward to since Snow Leopard. I’ve gained nothing from Lion/Mountain Lion, and in fact have been frustrated by most of the “improvements”. Disappointed they didn’t call it Maru.
MacPro – R2D2-Trashcan Edition: While I’ve been desperately awaiting a replacement for my (dead) MacPro, the sneak-peak of the yet-to-be-released new cylindrical MacPro left me feeling a bit underwhelmed; we’ve gone from Easy-Throw handles to Easy-Stop-Drop-And-Roll-Away MacPros:
- not 10 Gigabit Ethernet, just GigE
- No spinning platter HDD space whatsoever
- Only one HDMI port
- all Thunderbolt2 expansion, which means I’d burn 3 ports on TBolt->DVI LCD adapters ($30/ea), and then the rest on HDD chassis and Firewire adapters
- no more S/PDIF?
- it’s a round chassis (forget putting this thing in a datacenter)
- top-cooling (uh, dust? stacking?)
- no date, no pricing or package info
It seems silly to make a power-house workstation so small and elegant – if then it has to have a dozen pieces of hardware hanging off of it. It’s really just a MacMini with a better video card but I do love how the sneak-peak video’s soundtrack is Muse’s Supremacy though 🙂
(Non-Retina) MacBook Pros – nothing?! Not even a Haswell refresh or price drop? Do I need to hold out for back-to-school/Mavericks for the update/discontinuance, or do I bite the bullet and let my Hi-Res i7 MBP order proceed now?