Shooting All You Want

I’m working on another film! This time I’ve got the rather prestigious title of ‘Director Of Photography’ – which is pretty cool. Check out me being all intense ‘n stuff – I have absolutely zero recollection of this photo being taken:

Me, framing a shot.

However, with a great title comes great responsibility, and since this is a small production (company of 40 people tops, split about 50/50 crew & talent (actors)) I have many roles beyond DoP. I’m also the primary camera operator, I do most of the lighting design while working with the directors to design each and every shot/angle, then I have to implement it all while being mindful of all the photographic qualities (contrast, exposure, colour, dynamic range (dark-to-bright gradient), etc…) and manage my crew plus being responsible for all the gear – be it mine, the company’s, or rental. Oh – and I get to yell at the sound department when their gear is in my shot!

But I get my name on the slate 🙂

Mark It!

One of the things that I never quite realized before working on this project, is that the DoP pretty much has zero downtime when on set: I set-up the shot, we do the takes, and move to the next shot. There’s no gap for me. Most of my crew gets to stand down and watch the performance, and the talent get to relax (or go to make-up & wardrobe) while we setup the next shot… but for me – nope! The very first day of this company was about 14 hours on-set, and I think I had about 17 minutes off all day, and 8 of those minutes were my bio-breaks. It’s grueling, it’s intense… and thus so am I. I’m very demanding of my crew, but I think they’re up to the task and they’ve been doing a great job. Everybody has been. We’ve got some incredible talent (actors), and the crew is there to make them shine.

Some notes…

First Day of Principle Photography: Cinco De Mayo

  • First Day of a New company: everyone’s learning names, roles, abilities. Many of the crew have never worked on a feature-length project, or any production at all
  • Sue is wearing an “AD*HD” shirt
  • “It’s not that kind of movie!”
  • The Lighting Consultant I was promised to help with a very foreign and difficult set – flakes out
  • I get no downtime (17 minutes?)
  • A kitty has gone missing…

    Day 2: May The Siths

  • “Are they paying you?” I’m asked by 3 different people during the day… nope!
  • In conversation with my crew:
          Me: “Yeah, I guess I can be a little intense…”
          A: “No shit dude.”
          Me: “That bad?”
          A & B: “YES!”
          Me: “Sorry! You guys are doing great!”

  • 2 locations means a company move in the middle of the day (stressful: do we have everything? Is everyone going to get there?)
  • “It’s not that kind of movie!”
  • tales of pirate TV stations… Arrrr!

    Day 3: May 7th

  • Greg is wearing the AD*HD shirt today
  • Shooting in a bar/pub, very dark, but we get it lit
  • DotMom’s Birthday – so I leave for the first half of the shooting
  • Upon my return I work a very complex multiple-point focus-pull action shot – and we all nail it on the 3rd take 🙂
  • … one of the extras is a girl I went on a date with a few months ago
  • “It’s not that kind of movie!”

    Day 4: May 14th

  • Back in the bar/pub
  • “It’s not that kind of movie!”
  • “Take it up with the teamsters!”
  • Greg and Tom are both wearing ‘Creeping Beauty’ shirts – I assume they picked them up at ComicCon
  • Cue Harley
  • Wardrobe malfunction!
  • Ooooh – Waffles!
    Hillary Kitty!

    Day 5: May 19th

  • 1/2 day shoot
  • “It’ll be easy” we all thought… except
  • Cue Sun! Cue Clouds!
  • I have no crew at all, so I’m mostly working solo, stealing PAs wherever I can
  • Cue WWII Biplane Flyover… for 3 minutes
  • “We’re not doing foley now!”
  • Walked backwards for 90 minutes
  • … with a huge 15lbs camera rig on my shoulder
  • … at a focal length between 135-190mm (at least it’s CinemaScope-sized)
  • … in high sun & full heat
  • Cue uninvited extras!
  • but get word that the missing kitty (from Day One) was found safe & sound! 🙂
  • Speaking of kitties, I get to play with 3 of them while we prep for the next day’s shoot
  • Tomorrow will possibly be our most prepared-for day yet.

    Shotlist All You Want
    The 3 directors doing prep-work

    BTW: We’re looking for extras Monday May 21st, from 5PM to 9:30PM. If you’ve ever wanted to see what an film shoot looks like – and you want some light snacks, please sign up! It’s a restaurant scene, so if you know how to dress up for a night out and can sit patiently for a couple hours – we want you! Location is at proximate to Lincoln Fields/Lincoln Heights Galleria Shopping Centre.

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