Happy Hand!

Just saw Dr. v.S and he’s quite pleased with how my healing is going and I’m to start exercising my range of motion. I’m very happy about it! 🙂
… This is probably the best news I’ve had in years. I’m stupidly gleeful right now.

Oh – and he encouraged me to play guitar, I will now show you how I feel about that:

I’ve got some stretching exercises to start doing, and I can pretty much wean off the splints for now… that’s not to say I’m clear to start mountain biking, but I can do light tasks and “not push it”. Driving is likely still out of the equation as my left grip strength is only 16, versus 70 in my right hand… Full range of motion shouldn’t be expected until the end of the year! No physio or hand-therapy for now; only if I don’t see progress on my exercises.

But It’s still exciting! For weeks now people have been asking how it’s doing, and I honestly had no idea. I figured it was good, but I couldn’t be sure.

It’s good. Very good 🙂

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