The other day, Jessrawk tapped me to help her fill-in for 2 hours after her regular radio show on Carleton U‘s CKCU FM… How could I say no? This is almost as big a dream/bucket-list item as working in a record store!
Since Jess and The Staples usually do an hour-long thematic show, it was decided that she and I would basically have a play-off, where we literally decide what to play next based on whatever the other person was playing RIGHT NOW. No pressure.
We started with a set of 4, (which really was dueling banjos!) but then I realized it meant I’d always be following her lead, so we switched to 5-song sets. What impresses me most, is that even with all my loud/heavy/angry music, we pulled off mostly Cancon.

Sadly this is far from a regular gig, but I had a lot of fun and would love to do it again.
(Thanks to Deejay Erik for the photo)